2019-09 Tausende von Esten können ihr Geld von deutschem Automobilhersteller zurückfordern

Äripäev 2019 Von Theis Klauberg Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an office.lv@klauberg.legal


2019-09 Thousands of Estonians can claim their money back from German car producer

Äripäev 2019 By Theis Klauberg For further information please contact office.lv@klauberg.legal


2019-07 Free and Equitable Treatment vs the State’s right to regulate

Äripäev 2019 Von Kristiina Rebane Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an office.lv@klauberg.legal


2019-07 Free and Equitable Treatment vs the State’s right to regulate

Äripäev 2019 By Kristiina Rebane For further information please contact office.lv@klauberg.legal


2019-07 Inheritance law in Europe, 4th. Ed. Country survey Latvia [in German]

ZERB Verlag 2019 By Theis Klauberg


2019-06 Be loyal to your company – or be liable. Management liability in the Baltic States is a hot topic

Baltic Business Quaterly 3/2019 By Theis Klauberg, Sigita Sriubaite-Stepuriene and Kristiina Rebane. For further information please contact office.lv@klauberg.legal


2019-01 | Bank insolvencies – an overview of the legal framework in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland.

EuroFenix 74, 2018/19 By Niklāvs Zieds

2018-06 | Latvia: Restructuring administrators no more: lax requirements disproportionately in favour of creditors’ interests?

EuroFenix 71, 2018 By Niklāvs Zieds

2018-10 | General Case on Director’s Duties

In: M. Siems/D. Cabrelli (eds.) Comparative Company Law, A Case-Based Approach, 2nd ed. (Hart, 2018) By Theis Klauberg

2017-12 | The reform of the Latvian Land Privatization Act of 1 July 2017 and its compatibility with European law [in German]

Agrar- und Umweltrecht 12, 2017 By Theis Klauberg, Magdalena Mayr and Dr. Jan Benjamin Daniels