Renewable energies and the networks in the Baltic States

In the current edition of the EnWZ David Sandner details and compares the legal norms governing renewable powerplants in the Baltic states in their connection to and use of the […]


The Implementation of the MiFID II Directive in Latvia

In this legal article partner Theis Klauberg discusses how the EU MiFID II Directive on markets in financial instruments was implemented by the Latvian lawmakers; issues in relation to companies [...]


Taking compliance seriously: EU whistleblower rules are around the corner

The authors discuss the requirements for companies in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia according to the EU Whistleblower Directive in the spring issue of the Baltic Business Quaterly.

Memorandum on COVID-19 measures in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia

In the light of recent modifications in various business areas and ensuing consequences caused by COVID-19, the legal team of  Klauberg BALTICS attorneys-at-law has prepared a Memorandum covering [...]

Real estate opportunities in Jurmala

Jurmala is one of the most attractive real estate markets in Latvia. Due to its location, optimized infrastructure, magnificent nature and dazzling wooden architecture of houses and buildings [...]

Keep calm and carry on? Passive management may cause liability

Management did not actively cause losses, nor did it know about their underlying risks, but is now fighting to stay out of jail. The current case against the former head […]

The German court decision paves the way for Estonian car owners to recover their purchase money

The German Federal Court has clarified important issues in regard to the Dieselgate complex: also damaged parties in Estonia are able to claim compensation. by Theis Klauberg Partner, Klauberg [...]

Memorandum on COVID-19 measures in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia

In the light of recent modifications in various business areas and ensuing consequences caused by COVID-19, the legal team of Klauberg BALTICS attorneys-at-law has prepared a Memorandum covering [...]

Laika ir palicis pavisam nedaudz

Par dīzeļgeitu, nelikumīgām automašīnām un iespējām atgūt par tām iztērētos līdzekļus ar Vācijas tiesu starpniecību – ar zvērinātu advokātu Teisu Klaubergu sarunājas Andis Sedlenieks. Tā dēvētā [...]

Dieselgate: Baltic customers can also sue – and managers who fail to act may even be personally liable

Helena Rosenberger : Dieselgate: Baltic customers can also sue – and managers who fail to act may even be personally liable Various German manufacturers have launched cars on the market [...]