Klauberg Baltics - Business in good hands.

Webinar 21 May „Company liability in the EU, a discussion of the Dieselgate and the Truck-cartel cases”

On May 21, Klauberg BALTICS attorneys-at-law and the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce invite everyone to participate in a virtual meeting „Company liability in the EU, a discussion of  the Dieselgate and the Truck-cartel cases„, during which the following issues will be discussed:

-Companies in the EU are liable for compensation to their customers for fraud and violating competition rules
-German manufacturers must repay sales price to owners of Diesel cars (Dieselgate), and compensate owners of trucks (truck-cartel)
-Claims brought in German courts follow a strict schedule for costs of litigation, an advantage in comparison to the Latvian system
-In Latvia the liability rules are similar; therefore, Latvian companies are well advised to follow these legal developments in Germany

The webinar will be delivered by managing partner of Klauberg BALTICS Theis Klauberg.

DATE AND TIME: 21 May 2020, 11:00 – 11:45
REGISTRATION: Registration for the webinar is not required. To join the webinar, please click on the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83880428018, Meeting ID: 838 8042 8018

For more information please contact Līga Elsiņa-Zuicena, e-mail: liga.elsina@ahk-balt.org, Tel. +371 67322301

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