Insolvenz- und Restrukturierungsstreitigkeiten im Baltikum – Rückblick 2024

Insolvenz- und Restrukturierungsverfahren sind zentrale rechtliche Instrumente für Unternehmen in finanziellen Schwierigkeiten. Während ein Insolvenzverfahren zur Verwertung des Vermögens zur [...]





Weg zum Erlangen einer Banklizenz in Litauen

Entdecken Sie die Schritte zum Erlangen einer Banklizenz in Litauen, einem zunehmend attraktiven Ziel für Finanzinstitute in der Europäischen Union. Unsere neueste Publikation beschreibt den [...]


CMR-Übereinkommen in den baltischen Staaten: Die Rechtspraxis

In unserer neuesten Broschüre erfahren Sie, wie Lettland, Estland und Litauen den internationalen Straßengüterverkehr regeln und welche Möglichkeiten der vertraglichen Anwendung des [...]

Real estate opportunities in Jurmala

Jurmala is one of the most attractive real estate markets in Latvia. Due to its location, optimized infrastructure, magnificent nature and dazzling wooden architecture of houses and buildings [...]

Laika ir palicis pavisam nedaudz

Par dīzeļgeitu, nelikumīgām automašīnām un iespējām atgūt par tām iztērētos līdzekļus ar Vācijas tiesu starpniecību – ar zvērinātu advokātu Teisu Klaubergu sarunājas Andis Sedlenieks. Tā dēvētā [...]

Memorandum on COVID-19 measures in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia

In the light of recent modifications in various business areas and ensuing consequences caused by COVID-19, the legal team of  Klauberg BALTICS attorneys-at-law has prepared a Memorandum covering [...]

Keep calm and carry on? Passive management may cause liability

Management did not actively cause losses, nor did it know about their underlying risks, but is now fighting to stay out of jail. The current case against the former head […]

The German court decision paves the way for Estonian car owners to recover their purchase money

The German Federal Court has clarified important issues in regard to the Dieselgate complex: also damaged parties in Estonia are able to claim compensation. by Theis Klauberg Partner, Klauberg [...]

Webinar 21 May „Company liability in the EU, a discussion of the Dieselgate and the Truck-cartel cases“

On May 21, Klauberg BALTICS attorneys-at-law and the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce invite everyone to participate in a virtual meeting „Company liability in the EU, a discussion of  the [...]

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