Klauberg BALTICS Legal Newsletter January 2025

ESTONIA: Find out how the Tallinn District Court ruled in favor of former Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, requiring lawyer Paul Keres to retract false statements made on a radio show. […]


All the best for 2025 from the BALTICS!


Pflichtteilsrecht in den baltischen Staaten

Erbfälle führen häufig zu Streitigkeiten innerhalb der Erbengemeinschaft. Besonders intensiv können die Auseinandersetzungen werden, wenn es um Pflichtteilsansprüche oder gar deren Ausschlagung [...]


Right to compulsory portion in the Baltic States

Inheritance cases often lead to disputes within the community of heirs. Conflicts can become particularly intense when it involves compulsory portion rights or even the revocation of those [...]


Restructure Proceedings in Latvia

In our latest brochure, you can find out how restructuring proceedings are regulated under Latvian law, how to start such proceedings and what kind of restrictions there are. Read the […]


Navigating the Path to Obtaining a Banking License in Lithuania

Discover the steps to secure a banking license in Lithuania, an increasingly attractive destination for financial institutions in the European Union. Our latest publication outlines the [...]


CMR Convention in the Baltic States

Our latest brochure explains how Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania regulate the international carriage of goods by road and what options are available for the contractual application of the CMR [...]


Essential Insights: Navigating Labor Regulations in Estonia

Are you considering employment in Estonia? Knowledge of the legal framework governing labor relations is crucial. Our newsletter looks at the Employment Contracts Act and supplementary [...]


Labour Law in Latvia

Get an overview of the key aspects of Latvian labor law in our new newsletter! Read the full newsletter under the Publications section.


Commercial pledge law in the Baltic States

Our new article provides an overview of the provisions regarding commercial pledge law in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. It enables companies and investors to understand the role and application [...]

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