Labour Law in Latvia

Get an overview of the key aspects of Latvian labor law in our new newsletter! Read the full newsletter under the Publications section.


Commercial pledge law in the Baltic States

Our new article provides an overview of the provisions regarding commercial pledge law in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. It enables companies and investors to understand the role and application [...]


Lithuanian Citizenship by Reinstatement with a specific focus on South Africa

Our publication provides insights into the process and requirements of reinstating Lithuanian citizenship. Learn if you qualify for citizenship reinstatement and understand the necessary [...]


Happy holidays and best wishes for 2024!

Enjoy the leisure time during the holidays and a happy, peaceful and healthy new year!


Labour Law in Lithuania

Get a comprehensive overview of the key aspects of Lithuanian labor law in our new newsletter! Read the full newsletter under the Publications section.    


Klauberg BALTICS Legal Newsletter October 2023

ESTONIA Reporting obligation of platforms according to the Tax Information Exchange Act LATVIA Amendments to the Commercial Law LITHUANIA Administrative Court Structure Undergoes Transformation [...]


Klauberg BALTICS Legal Newsletter October 2023

ESTONIA Reporting obligation of platforms according to the Tax Information Exchange Act LATVIA Amendments to the Commercial Law LITHUANIA Administrative Court Structure Undergoes Transformation [...]


Data protection in the Baltics

Associate Franziska Babilon discusses the development and increasing importance of data protection in the Baltics. Read this article in the autumn edition of the Baltic Business Quarterly.


Unsere Büros in Vilnius und Tallinn sind umgezogen!

Liebe Mandanten, wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass wir vor kurzem unsere Büros in Vilnius und Tallinn in neue Geschäftsräume verlegt haben. Unsere neue Adresse in Vilnius: Kalvarijų [...]


Renewable Energies in the Baltic States

We are excited to present the publication of our brochure on the progress and opportunities in the field of renewable energy in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The brochure provides a […]