Gabija PanomariovaitėMag. iur. (University of Vilnius)Junior Associate & Assistant Director of PlatformsGabija is legal assistant in the Vilnius office of Klauberg BALTICS, and she assists the firm’s lawyers in matters involving corporate law, labor law, and data-protection law. In addition, she coordinates the Klauberg BALTIC´s media platforms as Assistant Director. She is studying for a Master's degree in Law at the University of Cologne.Languages
About Gabija
- English
- German
- Lithuanian
- Russian (basic)
- gabija.panomariovaite@klauberg.legal
- T +370 5 241 69 94
- Kalvarijų g. 300, LT-08318 Vilnius, Lithuania
Theis Klauberg LL.M. (University of the Western Cape), MBA (BMI) Attorney at Law, Rechtsanwalt Managing Partner, CEO
Živilė Baltrūnė Mag.iur. (University of Vilnius), LL.M. (University of Freiburg) Attorney-at-Law, Advokatė Counsel
Gabija Panomariovaitė Mag. iur. (University of Vilnius) Junior Associate & Assistant Director of Platforms
Kenneth Tomingas Mag.iur (University of Tartu) Associate According to § 40 (3) of the Bar Association Act, lawyers do not provide legal services. Lawyers are assisting the attorneys. / Vastavalt advokatuuriseaduse § 40 lg-le 3 ei osuta jurist õigusteenust. Jurist abistab advokaati.