Dieselgate: Baltic customers can also sue – and managers who fail to act may even be personally liable

Helena Rosenberger : Dieselgate: Baltic customers can also sue – and managers who fail to act may even be personally liable Various German manufacturers have launched cars on the market [...]


2020-01 Dieselgate: Baltic customers can also sue – and managers who fail to act may even be personally liable [Auf Englisch]

1/2020 von Helena Rosenberger. Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an office.lv@klauberg.legal

Dieselgate: Baltic customers can also sue – and managers who fail to act may even be personally liable

Helena Rosenberger: Dieselgate: Baltic customers can also sue – and managers who fail to act may even be personally liable Various German manufacturers have launched cars on the market with [...]


2020-01 Dieselgate: Baltic customers can also sue – and managers who fail to act may even be personally liable

1/2020 by Helena Rosenberger. For further information please contact office.lv@klauberg.legal


7 reasons why the implementation of data protection should not be postponed

Besides the well-known and punitive fines which are stipulated by the General Data Protection Regulation and which may be lethal to small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), there are other risks [...]


Why is it important to determine your role in personal data processing? Controller or processor? – take the TEST

The responsibilities of each company or person in the processing of personal data depend on whether they are the controller, the joint controller or the processor. Therefore, it is very […]


7 reasons why the implementation of data protection should not be postponed

Besides the well-known and punitive fines which are stipulated by the General Data Protection Regulation and which may be lethal to small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), there are other risks [...]


2020-01 More procurement, more complaints [Auf Englisch]

Baltic Business Quarterly von Theis Klauberg, Sigita Sriubaite-Stepuriene and Kristiina Rebane. Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an office.lv@klauberg.legal


2020-01 More procurement, more complaints

Baltic Business Quarterly by  Theis Klauberg, Sigita Sriubaite-Stepuriene and Kristiina Rebane. For further information please contact office.lv@klauberg.legal